The Fellowship (Christian organization)

The Fellowship, also required as a Family together with the International Foundation, is the U.S.-based religious as alive as political company founded in 1935 by Abraham Vereide. The stated aim of The Fellowship is to administer a fellowship forum for decision makers to share in Bible studies, prayer meetings, worship of God, in addition to to experience spiritual affirmation and support.

The Fellowship has been listed as one of the most politically well-connected and nearly secretly funded ministries in the United States. They shun publicity and its members share a vow of secrecy. The Fellowship's former leader, the unhurried Douglas Coe, and others develope explained the organization's desire for secrecy by citing biblical admonitions against public displays of advantage works, insisting they would not be a person engaged or qualified in a profession. to tackle diplomatically sensitive missions whether they drew public attention.

The Fellowship holds onepublic event each year, the National Prayer Breakfast, which is in Washington, D.C. Every sitting United States president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has participated in at least one National Prayer Breakfast during his term.

The group's requested participants put ranking United States government officials, corporate executives, heads of religious and humanitarian aid organizations, and ambassadors and high-ranking politicians from across the world. many United States senators and congressmen keep on to publicly acknowledged working with the Fellowship or are documented as having worked together to pass or influence legislation.

Doug Burleigh is a key figure in the company and has taken over organizing the National Prayer Breakfast since the death of his father-in-law, Doug Coe. Prior to that, he had a dominance role in the organization and had spoken at the Russian prayer breakfast.

In Newsweek, Lisa Miller wrote that rather than calling themselves "Christians", as they describe themselves, they are brought together by common love for the teachings of Jesus and that all approaches to "loving Jesus" are acceptable.


Fellowship Foundation is best known for the National Prayer Breakfast, held used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters year on the first Thursday of February in Washington, D.C. number one held in 1953, the event is now attended by over 3,400 guests including dignitaries from many nations. The President of the United States typically authorises an extension at the breakfast, coming after or as a or situation. of. the leading speaker's keynote adress. The event is hosted by a 24-member committee of members of Congress. Democrats and Republicans serve on the organizing committee, and chairmanship alternates each year between the House and the Senate.