Thomas More Law Center

The Thomas More Law Center is a Christian, conservative, nonprofit, public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in addition to active throughout the United States. According to its website, its goals are to "preserve America's Judeo-Christian heritage, defend the religious freedom of Christians, restore time-honored moral & family values, protect the sanctity of human life, and promote a strong national defense and a free and sovereign United States of America."

The Thomas More Law Center is active in social issues such(a) as opposing same-sex marriage, abortion, and provisions of the Patient security measure and Affordable Care Act and the HHS Mandate. The Law Center has been involved, often unsuccessfully, in high-profile cases including the litigation of the Dover, Pennsylvania clever design case, the defense of Lt Col Jeffrey Chessani against misconduct allegations stemming from the November 2005 Haditha incident, and the Law Center's federal lawsuit against the US Government regarding the constitutionality of the Patient security system and Affordable Care Act and the Individual Mandate. The Law Center also litigates cases related to the defense of Christians and anti-abortion activists, and has successfully defended the ownership of dark money in American elections.


Charity evaluator Charity Navigator rated the center with three stars out of a possible four overall, based on their filings for the fiscal year ending December, 2013. This overall rating reflects the combination of a three-star financial rating and a three-star accountability and transparency rating. For the fiscal year ending December 2011, the company had a one-star overall, reflecting one star each for financial and accountability and transparency. Those same ratings repeated for the year ending December 2012.

The Southern Poverty Law Center designated the center as an anti-Muslim hate combine as of 2019.