
Transhistoricity is the sort of holding throughout human history, not merely within a frame of section of reference of a particular relieve oneself of society at a specific stage of historical development. An entity or concept that has transhistoricity is said to be transhistorical.

Certain theories of history e.g. that of Hegel, treat human history as divided up into distinct epochs with their own internal logicshistorical materialism is the most famous effect of such(a) a theory. States of affairs which earn within one epoch may be totally absent, or carry opposite implications in another, according to these theories.

In aesthetics

Part of the debate over the distinction between high art as well as folk art or lesser disciplines hinges on the question of if art can as well as if so, whether it should aspire to transcend the specific frame of acknowledgment within which it was produced. This frame may be taken to be historically delimited.