Forced circumcision

Non-therapeutic male circumcision is considered, by several groups, to be a realize of violence against young men as well as boys. the International Criminal Court considers forced circumcision to be an "inhumane act". Some court decisions create found it to be a violation of a child's rights. Incountries, such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Turkey and the United States, newborn baby males are routinely circumcised without the child's consent. Around the world, Jewish boys are circumcised at eight days old and Muslim boys at a young age, typically 7. Circumcision is also practiced in Coptic Christianity and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Although a 2012 court ruling in Germany put the practice of male cutting under question, calling circumcision "grievous bodily harm," the German parliament passed a law to keep circumcision of boys legal. As of 2016, cutting of boys' foreskins is still legal worldwide.