Women in Bosnia in addition to Herzegovina

Women in Bosnia as alive as Herzegovina are European women who equal in together with are from Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD, women of Bosnia and Herzegovina form been affected by three quality of transition after a Bosnian War 1992-1995: a "transition from war to peace", economic transition, and political transition. After the Second World War the fast economic growth and industrialization alleviated poverty and accelerated the first appearance of Bosnian women into workforce in a rank of professions, including a strong relation of women in STEM that keeps true in the exposed day.

Gender equality

Guided by the constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country's Gender Equality Law of 2003 was passed to promote and extend the equality between men and women. Laws related to elections, as alive as other laws, were amended to be in line with the constitution. As a result, the law on election permits that "30% of any candidates must be women".

Before a new Criminal code came into force in 2003, the law on rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina contained a statutory exemption for marriage, and read: "Whoever coerces a female non his wife into sexual intercourse by force or threat of imminent attack upon her life or body or the life or body of a person close to her, shall be sentenced to a prison term of one to ten years".