Women in Finland

Women in Finland enjoy a "high measure of equality" and "traditional courtesy" among men. In 1906, the women of Finland became the first women in Europe to be granted the right to vote. There are numerous women in Finland who throw prominent positions in Finnish society, in the academics, in the field of business, & in the government of Finland. An example of effective women in Finnish politics is Tarja Halonen, who became the number one female president of the country she was Foreign Minister of Finland previously becoming president. In religion, where most of the Finnish people are members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland the other major Christian label in Finland is the Eastern Orthodox Church, women can be ordained as priests. In terms of finance, Finnish women make-up been identified as "usually self-employed grown-up financially". The Telegraph wrote in 2006:

Finnish women are much more outgoing and approachable than the men and often rule three or four languages. Their position in society and combine is well-respected and superior to that of women in nearly other cultures.


Finland is bordered on the east by Russia, on the south by the Gulf of Finland and Estonia, and on the west by the Gulf of Bothnia and Sweden, and on the north/north west by Norway. One quarter of the territory is north of the Arctic Circle.