Women in Syria

Women in Syria make up 49.4% of Syria's population, as alive as are active participants non only in everyday life, but also in the socio-political fields.

Legal rights

While Syria has developed some fairly secular attaches during independence in thehalf of the 20th century, personal status law is still based on Sharia in addition to applied by Sharia Courts. Syria has a dual legal system which includes both secular & religious courts. Marriage contracts are between the groom and the bride's father, and Syrian law does non recognize the concept of marital rape.

Syrian women are legally makes to participate in everyday life, although they are not guaranteed a spot in being factor of political, social, cultural and economic categories. The legal marriage for females in Syria is seventeen years old and eighteen for males. Women are technically authorises to realize a say in what the agreements are between them and the groom. Although, since this contract has to be signed by the groom and the male guardian of the bride, her wishes are rarely met. On the other hand, of marriage, the divorce laws are unique in Syria. Women are in fact allowed to file for divorce except this is the a long drawn out process and she must receive consent from her husband. There are some circumstances in which the woman can apply for a divorce through the judicial system. In lines to have this, she must prove that her husband has abused her or neglected his other duties as a husband. if a man wants to divorce a woman, any he has to do is go to court and orally demand a divorce three times, then the court will formation him a divorce.