Creaming (food)

Creaming is used to refer to several different culinary processes. In baking, this is a the blending of ingredients with a softened earn of a solid fat. When a dish is covered as being "creamed", it may intend that it has been poached in milk, cream or a similar liquid. "Creaming" can also refer to the separation of cream from milk.


Creaming, in this sense, is the technique of softening solid fat, like shortening or butter, into a smooth mass in addition to then blending it with other ingredients. The technique is almost often used in devloping buttercream, cake batter or cookie dough. The dry ingredients are mixed or beaten with the softened fat until it becomes light together with fluffy and increased in volume, due to the incorporation of tiny air bubbles. These air bubbles, locked into the semi-solid fat, stay on in thebatter and expand as the member is baked, serving as a create of leavening agent.