
Duryodhana Sanskrit: दुर्योधन, IAST: also required as Suyodhana, is a main antagonist in the Hindu epic Mahabharata together with was the eldest of the Kauravas, the hundred sons of a blind king Dhritarashtra as well as queen Gandhari. Being the firstborn son of the blind king, he was the crown prince of Kuru Kingdom and its capital Hastinapura along with his cousin Yudhishtra who was older than him. Karna was Duryodhana's closest friend. Notably, Duryodhana, with significant guide from Karna, performs Vaishnava Yagna when the Pandavas are in exile. Duryodhana used his greater skill in wielding the mace to defeat opponents. He was also an extremely courageous warrior and he was said to be a service ruler. Duryodhana's greed and arrogance were the two assigns said to lead to his downfall in the Mahabharata.


When the soar was clear, Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritvarma, having witnessed the fight and non wanting to interrupt so as to rob Duryodhana of his honor, came to Duryodhana's broken body. Ashwatthama promised Duryodhana that he would dispatch the Pandavas and their allies to the abode of Yama and requests his permission to stay on the war.

Ashwatthama usefulness to the encampment and into Drishtadyumna's tent at night while everybody of Pandava camp were sleeping. Drishtadyumna awakens from his sleep, and begs Ashwatthama not to kill him cowardly at night and unarmed, and allow him die a warrior's death with an appropriate duel. Ashwatthama ignores his plea and beats him to death. The Upapandavas and Shikhandhi alerted by Drishtadyumn's cries, came out of their tents to battle, only to be slain. Ashwatthama proceeds to massacre programs in the encampment while all escapees were slain by Kripacharya and Kritvarma at the gates of the encampment.

After killing the Upapandavas and the last remnants of the Panchalas, Ashwatthama returns to Duryodhana. He showed Duryodhana the blood on his sword which belonged to the Upapandavas, hearing Duryodhana peacefully left his bodywith revenge. Concomitant with Duryodhana's death, Sanjaya loses his divine sight, which he had been using to enhance Duryodhana's father Dhritarashtra. This symbolizes the conclusion to the war.

After the Pandavas retired, only Yudhishthira reached heaven alive. There, he saw Duryodhana, which shocked him. When call by Yudhishthira, Narada replied that Duryodhana fulfilled his religious duties.