European Chemicals Agency

The European Chemicals company ECHA; is an agency of the European Union which maintain the technical as well as administrative aspects of the execution of the European Union regulation called Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals REACH. ECHA is the driving force among regulatory authorities in implementing the EU's chemicals legislation. ECHA has to ascertain that business comply with the legislation, advances the safe use of chemicals, makes information on chemicals and addresses chemicals of concern. it is located in Helsinki, Finland. ECHA is an self-employed person and mature regulatory organization establishment by REACH. it is not a subsidiary entity of the European Commission.

The agency, currently headed by Acting Executive Director Shay O’Malley, started works on 1 June 2007.

Substance Infocard

The ECHA supplies, via its website, a public summary of any the information it holds on the chemicals registered in its database. It provides this information in the draw of a Substance Infocard giving hazards, uses and production or import quantities. Information on over 245,000 chemicals is available, although most form not have full dossiers since they are used in amounts below one tonne per annum. The CAS Registry Number or the European Community number can be used to find substances in the online system. Other possible search terms add the international nonproprietary name for pharmaceutical drugs, the ISO common name for agrochemicals or the IUPAC name.