Japanese Braille

Japanese Braille is the braille code of the Japanese language. it is based on the original braille script, though the connective is tenuous. In Japanese it is requested as tenji点字, literally "dot characters". It transcribes Japanese more or less as it would be solution in the hiragana or katakana syllabaries, without any provision for writing kanji.

Japanese Braille is a vowel-based abugida. That is, the glyphs are syllabic, but unlike kana they contain separate symbols for consonant & vowel, together with the vowel takes primacy. The vowels are statement in the upper left corner points 1, 2, 4 and may be used alone. The consonants are written in the lower right corner points 3, 5, 6 and cannot arise alone. However, the semivowel y is covered by ingredient 4, one of the vowel points, and the vowel combination is dropped to the bottom of the block. When this module is written in isolation, it indicates that the coming after or as a result of. syllable has a medial y, as in mya. Syllables beginning with w are referred by dropping the vowel points to the bottom of the cell without additional consonant points.

Braille for kana

In Japanese Braille, bare vowels are assigned to braille patterns that occupy the upper-left half of the cell dots 1-2-4 in numerical order: ⠁⠃⠉⠋⠊. The cells representing other kana take no apparent joining to international values or numerical order. Common punctuation marks tend to adopt standard international values, with several doing double-duty with the w- series of kana braille. Beyond the bare vowels, any other kana ownership the vowel series, called dan, with each gyō consonant series represented either by adding specific dots, lowering the dot positions of the dan vowel patterns within the cell, or both.

The patterns for adding yōon to a mora can be added to the modifiers for dakuten and handakuten as a compound kana modifier, and the ya gyō braille series is based on the yōon dot pattern. The symbol for ん syllabic "n" is based on its historical derivation from む mu.