
Parboiling or leaching is the partial or semi boiling of food as the first step in cooking. a word is from the Old French 'parboillir' to boil thoroughly but by mistaken connective with 'part' it has acquired its current meaning.

The word is often used when referring to parboiled rice. Parboiling can also be used for removing poisonous or foul-tasting substances from foods, and to soften vegetables previously roasting them.

Basic technique

The food items are added to boiling water as alive as cooked until they start to soften, then removed ago they are fully cooked. Parboiling is usually used to partially cook an module which will then be cooked another way such(a) as braising, grilling, or stir-frying. Parboiling differs from blanching in that one does non cool the items using cold water or ice after removing them from the boiling water.