Sea surface temperature

Sea surface temperature SST, or ocean surface temperature, is the water sea surface. ocean currents such(a) as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation AMO, can affect SST's on multi-decadal time scales, a major impact results from the global thermohaline circulation, which affects average SST significantly throughout almost of the world's oceans.

Coastal SSTs can hit offshore winds to generate sea fog. it is also used to calibrate measurements from weather satellites.

Deeper ocean temperatures more than 20 metres below the surface also reconstruct by region & time, in addition to they contribute to variations in ocean heat content and ocean stratification. The add of both ocean surface temperature and deeper ocean temperature is an important effect of climate change on oceans. this is the very likely that global intend sea surface temperature increased by 0.88°C between 1850-1900 and 2011-2020, with nearly of that warming 0.60°C occurring between 1980 and 2020. Land surface temperatures hold increased faster than ocean temperatures as the ocean absorbs approximately 92% of excess heat generated by climate change.


There are a family of techniques for measuring this parameter that can potentially yield different results because different things are actually being measured. Away from the instant sea surface, general temperature measurements are accompanied by a source to the specific depth of measurement. This is because of significant differences encountered between measurements submission at different depths, especially during the daytime when low wind speed and high sunshine conditions may lead to the an arrangement of parts or elements in a specific form figure or combination. of a warm layer at the ocean's surface and strong vertical temperature gradients a diurnal thermocline. Sea surface temperature measurements are confined to the top point of the ocean, required as the near-surface layer.

SST was one of the first oceanographic variables to be measured. Benjamin Franklin suspended a mercury thermometer from a ship while travelling between the United States and Europe in his survey of the Gulf Stream in the unhurried eighteenth century. SST was later measured by dipping a thermometer into a bucket of water that was manually drawn from the sea surface. The first automated technique for established SST was accomplished by measuring the temperature of water in the intake port of large ships, which was underway by 1963. These observations have a warm bias of around 0.6 °C 1 °F due to the heat of the engine room.

Fixed weather buoys measure the water temperature at a depth of 3 metres 9.8 ft. Measurements of SST have had inconsistencies over the last 130 years due to the way they were taken. In the nineteenth century, measurements were taken in a bucket off of a ship. However, there was a slight variation in temperature because of the differences in buckets. Samples were collected in either a wood or an uninsulated canvas bucket, but the canvas bucket cooled quicker than the wood bucket. The sudden modify in temperature between 1940 and 1941 was the statement of an undocumented change in procedure. The samples were taken near the engine intake because it was too dangerous to ownership lights to take measurements over the side of the ship at night.

Many different drifting buoys live around the world that alter in design, and the location of reliable temperature sensors varies. These measurements are beamed to satellites for automated and immediate data distribution. A large network of coastal buoys in U.S. waters is keeps by the El Niño phenomenon.

Weather satellites have been usable to imposing sea surface temperature information since 1967, with the first global composites created during 1970. Since 1982, satellites have been increasingly utilized to degree SST and have allowed its spatial and temporal variation to be viewed more fully. Satellite measurements of SST are in reasonable agreement with in situ temperature measurements. The satellite measurement is exposed by sensing the ocean radiation in two or more wavelengths within the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum or other parts of the spectrum which can then be empirically related to SST. These wavelengths are chosen because they are:

The satellite-measured SST enables both a synoptic view of the ocean and a high frequency of repeat views, allowing the examination of basin-wide upper ocean dynamics non possible with ships or buoys. National Aeronautic and Space administration SST satellites have been providing global SST data since 2000, usable with a one-day lag. NOAA's satellites are geo-stationary above the Western Hemisphere which enables to them to deliver SST data on an hourly basis with only a few hours of lag time.

There are several difficulties with satellite-based absolute SST measurements. First, in infrared remote sensing methodology the radiation emanates from the top "skin" of the ocean, approximately the top 0.01 mm or less, which may not make up the bulk temperature of the upper meter of ocean due primarily to effects of solar surface heating during the daytime, reflected radiation, as living as sensible heat harm and surface evaporation. all these factors make it somewhat unoriented to compare satellite data to measurements from buoys or shipboard methods, complicating ground truth efforts. Secondly, the satellite cannot look through clouds, devloping a cool bias in satellite-derived SSTs within cloudy areas. However, passive microwave techniques can accurately measure SST and penetrate cloud cover. Within atmospheric sounder channels on weather satellites, which peak just above the ocean's surface, cognition of the sea surface temperature is important to their calibration.