SOAP formerly the backronym for Simple object Access Protocol is the messaging protocol specifications for exchanging structured information in the carrying out of web services in computer networks. It uses XML Information Set for its message format, together with relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP, although some legacy systemsover Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP, for message negotiation in addition to transmission.

SOAP enables developers to invoke processes running on disparate operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux to authenticate, authorize, andusing Extensible Markup Language XML. Since Web protocols like HTTP are installed and running on any operating systems, SOAP permits clients to invoke web services and get responses self-employed person of Linguistic communication and platforms.

Message format

XML Information Set was chosen as the specifics message configuration because of its widespread usage by major corporations and open source developing efforts. Typically, XML Information vintage is serialized as XML. A wide species of freely available tools significantly eases the transition to a SOAP-based implementation. The somewhat lengthy syntax of XML can be both a benefit and a drawback. While it promotes readability for humans, facilitates error detection, and avoids interoperability problems such(a) as byte-order endianness, it can behind processing speed and can be cumbersome. For example, CORBA, GIOP, ICE, and DCOM use much shorter, binary message formats. On the other hand, hardware appliances are usable to accelerate processing of XML messages. Binary XML is also being explored as a means for streamlining the throughput requirements of XML. XML messages by their self-documenting nature ordinarily draw more 'overhead' e.g., headers, nested tags, delimiters than actual data in contrast to earlier protocols where the overhead was normally a relatively small percentage of the overall message.

In financial messaging SOAP was found to or situation. in a 2–4 times larger message than previous protocols FIX Financial Information Exchange and CDR Common Data Representation.

XML Information Set does not make-up to be serialized in XML. For instance, CSV and JSON XML-infoset representations exist. There is also no need to specify a generic transformation framework. The concept of SOAP bindings allows for particular bindings for a specific application. The drawback is that both the senders and receivers have to guide this newly defined binding.