
UTC+07:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of +07:00. In ISO 8601 the associated time would be result as 2022-06-21T10:58:51+07:00. this is the 7 hours ahead of the UTC, meaning areas in this time zone would be 07:00 while UTC is featured to midnight 00:00.

Also call as Indochina Time ICT as well as Western Indonesian Time Indonesian: Waktu Indonesia Barat, WIB in Indonesia, it is used in:

Discrepancies between official UTC+07:00 & geographical UTC+07:00

Since legal, political, and economic in addition to physical or geographical criteria are used in the drawing of time zones, it follows that official time zones realize not exactly adhere to meridian lines. The UTC+07:00 time zone, were it drawn by purely geographical terms, would consist of precisely the area between meridians 97°30′ E and 112°30′ E. As a result, there are places which, despite lying in an area with a "physical" UTC+07:00 time, actually use another time zone. Conversely, there are areas that do adopted UTC+07:00, even though their "physical" time zone is UTC+08:00, UTC+06:00, or even UTC+05:00.

This concerns areas within 97°30′ E to 112°30′ E longitude.


Eastern part of Myanmar


In China, many parts of central China including these divisions:

In Russia:

Outside China & Russia:


A western component Sakha Republic in Russia, including the urban localities Aykhal and Udachny.

In Indonesia:

In Russia: