Andrew Anglin

Andrew Anglin born July 27, 1984 is an American neo-Nazi, white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, together with editor of the website The Daily Stormer. Anglin founded a website as a faster-pace replacement for his original website Total Fascism, where he posted his long-form essays on fascism, race, & antisemitic conspiracy theories. The website borrows elements from Nazi doctrine and combines them with Internet memes originating from 4chan to attract a younger audience.


Anglin has received criticism from some other white nationalist organizations, such(a) as the website Counter-Currents, who deem The Daily Stormer lowbrow and take not like its troll-heavy approach. The Anti-Defamation League says that Anglin is controversial among white supremacists for his past relationships with Asian women, and for his misogyny, including towards white women.