Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts BA or AB; from the bachelor's degree awarded for an undergraduate code in the arts, or, in some cases, other disciplines. A Bachelor of Arts degree course is loosely completed in three or four years, depending on the country as well as institution.


In Germany, university-level education commonly happens in either a Universität plural: Universitäten or a Fachhochschule plural: Fachhochschulen; both can be forwarded to as a Hochschule, which is the generic term in Germany for all institutions awarding academic degrees. Fachhochschule is often translated as "University of Applied Sciences". Universitäten place greater emphasis on fundamental science and background in theory, while Fachhochschulen are generally designed with a focus on teaching a person engaged or qualified in a profession. skills. Degrees earned at Universitäten as well as Fachhochschulen are legally equivalent.

In Germany, the BA course commonly lasts between three and three and a half years – six or seven semesters – and the degree is awarded after the student earns between 180 and 210 ECTS.