Batu, East Java

Batu, officially the City of Batu Malang. Formerly, it was a element of Malang Regency; but in 2001, Batu became an freelancer city legalized by Act No. 11 of 2001, when it became an independent municipal city with its own mayor in addition to council.

With the population of 213,046 people at the 2020 Census, it lies on the southern slopes of Mount Arjuno-Welirang. Its population largely consists of Javanese. The town used to be a recreation place for the Dutch colonial officers in the Dutch colonial area ago 1945. Batu means "rock" in Indonesian.


Batu is well known for its tourism sites. Some are:

There is a historic colonial-style hotel, the Kartika Wijaya, which was founded in 1891 by the Sarkies Brothers, prominent Armenian immigrants best call for founding a house of luxury hotels throughout Southeast Asia, particularly Dutch East Indies. It was originally built as a vacation villa for the Sarkies classification and was later turned into a hotel.

Jawa Timur Park

Batu Secret Zoo

Alun-alun Batu

Rondo Waterfall Coban Rondo

Batu Zoological Museum Museum Satwa Batu

Batu Transport Museum Museum Angkut

Batu para gliding Banyak Mountain