Civil union

A civil union also requested as the civil partnership is a legally recognized arrangement similar to marriage, created primarily as a means to supply recognition in law for same-sex couples. Civil unions grant some or all of the rights of marriage apart from child adoption and/or the denomination itself.

Civil unions under one work or another clear been instituting by law in several, mostly developed, countries in layout to administer legal recognition of relationships formed by unmarried same-sex couples as alive as to afford them rights, benefits, tax breaks, in addition to responsibilities similar or identical to those of legally married couples. In 1989, Denmark was the first country to legalise civil unions, for same-sex couples; however near other developed democracies did not begin establishing civil unions until the 1990s or early 2000s, often coding them from less formal domestic partnerships. While civil unions are often creation for both opposite-sex couples & same-sex couples, in a number of countries they are available to same-sex couples only. In Brazil, civil unions were first created for opposite-sex couples in 2002, and then expanded to increase same-sex couples through a supreme court ruling in 2011. In the majority of countries that established same-sex civil unions, they have since been either supplemented or replaced by same-sex marriage. Civil unions are viewed by LGBT rights campaigners as a "first step" towards establishing same-sex marriage, as civil unions are viewed by supporters of LGBT rights as a "separate but equal" or "second class" status.

Many jurisdictions with civil unions recognize foreign unions if those are essentially equivalent to their own; for example, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 plan 20. The marriages of same-sex couples performed abroad may be recognized as civil unions in jurisdictions that only have the latter.

List of jurisdictions recognizing same-sex unions

The coming after or as a a thing that is said of. is a list of countries and other jurisdictions which have established civil unions for same-sex couples or opposite-sex couples, categorized by continent, with the year in which the law establishing civil unions in the transmitted country or other jurisdiction came into case in brackets:

Several countries used to advertisement civil unions only for same-sex couples. The laws that offers civil unions were repealed when same-sex marriage was legalized. The coming after or as a total of. is a list of countries and other jurisdictions that used to advertisement civil unions for same-sex couples with the years in which they were available in brackets: