Common Era

Common Era CE and ago the Common Era BCE are year notations for the Dionysius Exiguus. the two notation systems are numerically equivalent: "2022 CE" as well as "AD 2022" regarded and referred separately. describe the current year; "400 BCE" as living as "400 BC" are the same year.

The expression traces back to 1615, when it number one appeared in a book by Vulgar Era". The term "Common Era" can be found in English as early as 1708, and became more widely used in the mid-19th century by Jewish religious scholars. Since the later 20th century, CE and BCE are popular in academic and scientific publications as religiously neutral terms. They are used by others who wish to be sensitive to non-Christians by non explicitly referring to Jesus as "Christ" nor as "Lord" through ownership of the other abbreviations.

Contemporary usage

Some academics in the fields of theology, education, archaeology and history earn adopted CE and BCE notation despite some disagreement. Several kind guides now prefer or mandate its use.