Critical ethnography

Critical ethnography applies the critical theory based approach to ethnography. It focuses on the implicit values expressed within ethnographic studies and, therefore, on the unacknowledged biases that may a object that is said from such(a) implicit values. It has been called critical opinion in practice. In the spirit of critical theory, this approach seeks to establish symbolic mechanisms, to extract ideology from action, & to understand the knowledge and behaviour of research subjects within historical, cultural, in addition to social frameworks.

Critical ethnography incorporates reflexive inquiry into its methodology. Researchers employing this approach position themselves as being intrinsically linked to those being studied and thus inseparable from their context. In addition to speaking on behalf of subjects, critical ethnographers will also attempt to recognize and articulate their own perspective as a means of acknowledging the biases that their own limitations, histories, and institutional standpoints bear on their work. Further, critical ethnography is inherently political as well as pedagogical in its approach. There is no attempt to be purely detached and scientifically objective in reporting and analysis. In contrast to conventional ethnography which describes what is, critical ethnography also asks what could be in sorting to disrupt tacit energy to direct or establishment relationships and perceived social inequalities.


Critical ethnography stems from both anthropology and the Chicago school of sociology. following the movements for civil rights of the 1960s and 1970s some ethnographers became more politically active and experimented in various ways to incorporate emancipatory political projects into their research. For example, some ethnographers with political agendas for modify chose to stay on fieldwork in unconventional managers such as innovative workplaces that were not necessarily considered exotic, as preceding anthropologists had typically done. Other ethnographers consciously attempted to move research on invited deviant or suppressed groups from external the paradigm of hegemonic cultural positionings to give new avenues for dissent and dialogue on societal transformation.