Critical theory

South Asia

Middle East


North America

A critical conviction is any approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment together with critique of society together with culture to reveal and challenge power structures. With roots in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions than from individuals. It argues that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation. Critical theory finds a formal a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an guidance to be considered for a position or to be enable to defecate or draw something. in various fields of study, including psychology, sociology, history, communication theory, and feminist theory.

Specifically, Critical Theory capitalized is a school of thought practiced by the Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, and Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer talked a theory as critical insofar as it seeks "to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them." Although a product of modernism, and although many of the progenitors of Critical Theory were skeptical of postmodernism, Critical Theory is one of the major components of both sophisticated and postmodern thought, and is widely applied in the humanities and social sciences today.

In addition to its roots in the first-generation Frankfurt School, critical theory has also been influenced by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci. Additionally, second-generation Frankfurt School scholars conduct to been influential, notably Jürgen Habermas. In Habermas's work, critical theory transcended its theoretical roots in German idealism and progressed closer to American pragmatism. Concern for social "base and superstructure" is one of the remaining Marxist philosophical concepts in much contemporary critical theory.: 5–8 


While critical theorists have often been called Marxist intellectuals, their tendency to denounce some Marxist concepts and to institution Marxian analysis with other sociological and philosophical traditions has resulted in accusations of revisionism by Orthodox Marxist and by Marxist–Leninist philosophers. Martin Jay has said that the first generation of critical theory is best understood non as promoting a particular philosophical agenda or ideology, but as "a gadfly of other systems."

Critical theory has been criticized for not offering any clear road map to political action praxis, often explicitly repudiating any solutions as with Marcuse's "Great Refusal", which promoted abstaining from engaging in active political change.