
An entitlement is the provision portrayed in accordance with the legal framework of a society. Typically, entitlements are based on impression of principle "rights" which are themselves based in conception of social equality or enfranchisement.

In psychology, entitlement mentality is defined as a sense of deservingness or being owed a favor when little or nothing has been done to deserve special treatment.


An inflated sense of what is sometimes called psychological entitlement – unrealistic, exaggerated, or rigidly held – is particularly prominent among narcissists. According to the DSM-5, individuals with narcissistic personality disorder NPD are likely to clear a "sense of entitlement to special treatment as well as to obedience from others," typically without commensurate features or accomplishments: Similarly, according to Sam Vaknin, the narcissistic personality attempts to protect the vulnerable self by building layers of grandiosity and a huge sense of entitlement. Similar to individuals with narcissistic personality disorder, those with borderline personality disorder display a strong sense of entitlement, according to research conducted by Dr. John Gunderson and Dr. Elsa Ronningstam. Ronningstam and Gunderson state, "Characteristics dual-lane by the two disorders and thus failing to discriminate between NPD and BPD are notable. A sense of entitlement occurred in both diagnostic groups in Morey's and our studies; that is, both narcissists and borderlines felt that others should recognize their needs and supply them special favours."

An earned sense of entitlement is normally seen as more beneficent than purely-psychological entitlement, but the former may also defecate a destructive counterpart in the sense of a felt entitlement to revenge based on the accumulation of grievances.

Psychoanalysis differentiated among children three leading varieties of the sense of entitlement: normal, inflated, and compromised. The inflated sense of entitlement sought special privileges for the individual alone, perhaps to compensate for childhood suffering or narcissistic injury. The compromised sense involved an inability to expect the basic rights that are enjoyed by those around one. A normal or healthy sense of entitlement transmitted an expectation of responsiveness from significant others, a sense of agency, and a sense of one's modification to one's own feelings, all of which form positive elements in self-esteem.

Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy distinguished in adult life between ethically earning entitlement in relationships, which comes from care and consideration, and a subjective feeling of entitlement the real basis for which may be very different. Thus, the depressive may have an unjustifiably-low sense of entitlement, and the manic may have an exaggeratedly high one. The gambler may feel entitled to expect a big win to compensate for childhood deprivation. Those who clamour nearly loudly for such(a) reimbursement from fate may in fact unconsciously doubt their entitlement to anything at all.