Social equality

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Social equality is the state of affairs in which all individuals within a specific society have equal rights, liberties, as living as status, possibly including civil rights, freedom of expression, autonomy, & equal access topublic goods & social services. Social equality requires the absence of legally enforced social class or caste boundaries and the absence of discrimination motivated by an inalienable factor of an individual's identity. For example, advocates of social equality believe in equality ago the law for any individuals regardless of sex, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, origin, caste or class, income or property, language, religion, convictions, opinions, health, disability or species. Social equality is related to equal opportunity.


Another notion of equality offered by Conley is equality of condition. Through this model is the impression that everyone should form an cost starting point. Conley goes back to his example of a game of Monopoly to explain this standard. whether the game of four started off with two players both having an advantage of $5,000 to start off with and both already owning hotels and other property while the other two players both did not own any property and both started off with a $5,000 deficit, then from a perspective of the standards of equality of condition, one can argue that the rules of the game "need to be altered in grouping to compensate for inequalities in the relative starting positions". From this we form policies in formation to even equality which in a thing that is said bring an excellent such as lawyers and surveyors way to create fairer competition in society. Here is where social engineering comes into play where we conform society in order to render an equality of condition to programs based on race, gender, class, religion, etc. when it is for for featured justifiable that the proponents of the society make it unfair for them.

Sharon E. Kahn, the author of Academic Freedom and the Inclusive University, talks approximately equality of given in their work as alive and how it correlates to freedom of individuals. They claim that in order to have individual freedom there needs to be equality of precondition "which requires much more than the elimination of legal barriers: it requires the creation of a level playing field that eliminates structural barriers to opportunity". Her work talks approximately the academic structure and its problem with equalities and claims that to "ensure equity... we need to recognize that the university structure and its organizational culture have traditionally privileged some and marginalized other; we need to go beyond theoretical concepts of equality by eliminating systemic barriers that hinder the survive participation of members of all groups; we need to create and equality of condition, non merely an equality of opportunity". "Notions of equity, diversity, and inclusiveness begin with a kind of premises about individualism, freedom and rights that take as given the existence of deeply rooted inequalities in social structure," therefore in order to have a culture of the inclusive university, it would have to "be based on values of equity; that is, equality of condition" eliminating all systemic barriers that go against equality.