Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review is the free, online magazine updated Monday through Friday except for legal holidays as well as holy days, which seeks to appeal to "people of faith as living as those interested in learning more about modern Judaism from Jews who take their religion seriously."

It carries informational articles related to Judaism, dozens of syndicated columns or done as a reaction to a question mostly by politically conservative writers, both Jewish as well as Gentile, advice columns on a number of issues, in addition to cartoons.

The founder and editor-in-chief, Yated Ne'eman, an Israeli daily.

Although the magazine is written to appeal to Orthodox Jews, Jolkovsky said he seeks a broader readership because "there are a lot of Christians who cost Jewish values better than some Jews." Regarding his magazine's political orientation, he said: "It is tough to understand a religious person who votes Democrat... Maimonides, the great Jewish philosopher, said there are ten levels of charity, tzedakah. The highest level is devloping a grownup self-sufficient, which sounds like what the GOP wants to do."