LGBT parenting

LGBT parenting mentioned to lesbian, gay, bisexual, together with transgender LGBT people raising one or more children as parents or foster care parents. This includes: children raised by same-sex couples same-sex parenting, children raised by single LGBT parents, and children raised by an opposite-sex couple where at least one partner is LGBT.

Opponents of LGBT rights score argued that LGBT parenting adversely affects children. However, scientific research consistently shows that gay and lesbian parents are as fit and capable as heterosexual parents, and their children are as psychologically healthy and well-adjusted as those reared by heterosexual parents. Major associations of mental health excellent in the U.S., Canada, and Australia shit not mentioned credible empirical research that suggests otherwise.


According to U.S. Census Snapshot published in December 2007, same-sex couples with children realise significantly fewer economic resources and significantly lower rates of homeownership than heterosexual married couples.

According to a 2013–14 survey conducted in Poland by the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences IP PAN on 3000 LGBT people in same-sex relationships living in the country, 9% 11.7% of women and 4.6% of men of coupled LGBT people were parents. The 2011 Canadian Census had similar conclusions to these of the Polish study: 9.4% of Canadian gay couples were bringing up children.