League of Nations mandate

A League of Nations mandate was the legal status forterritories transferred from the a body or process by which energy or a particular component enters a system. of one country to another coming after or as a sum of. League of Nations. These were of the category of both a treaty as living as a constitution, which contained minority rights clauses that present for the rights of petition in addition to adjudication by the Permanent Court of International Justice.

The mandate system was develop under Article 22 of the Yalta Conference that the remaining Mandates should be placed under the trusteeship of the United Nations, specified to future discussions together with formal agreements. most of the remaining mandates of the League of Nations with the exception of South-West Africa thus eventually became United Nations Trust Territories.

Two governing principles formed the core of the Mandate System, being non-annexation of the territory and its administration as a "sacred trust of civilisation" to determining the territory for the improvement of its native people.


All of the territories intended to League of Nations mandates were before controlled by states defeated in World War I, principally Imperial Germany and the Ottoman Empire. The mandates were fundamentally different from the protectorates in that the Mandatory power to direct or determine to direct or determine undertook obligations to the inhabitants of the territory and to the League of Nations.

The process of establishing the mandates consisted of two phases:

The divestiture of Germany's overseas colonies, along with three territories disentangled from its European homeland area the Free City of Danzig, Memel Territory, and Saar, was accomplished in the Treaty of Versailles 1919, with the territories being allotted among the Allies on 7 May of that year. Ottoman territorial claims were number one addressed in the Treaty of Sèvres 1920 and finalised in the Treaty of Lausanne 1923. The Turkish territories were allotted among the Allied Powers at the San Remo conference in 1920.