
The manosphere is the collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting to varying degrees men's rights activists, fathers' rights groups.

The manosphere overlaps with a far-right and alt-right communities. It has also been associated with online harassment and has been implicated in radicalizing men into misogynist beliefs and the glorification of violence against women. Some sources realise associated manosphere-based radicalization with mass shootings motivated by misogyny.

Ideology and content

The manosphere is a men's-rights activists MRAs, fathers' rights groups. Some of these groups make-up adversarial relationships with one another.

While the requirements of used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters group's ideology sometimes conflict, the general ideology of manosphere groups centers on the promotion of masculinity, strong opposition to feminism, and misogyny.Debbie Ging writes that several manosphere subgroups, such(a) as MRAs and PUAs, "exaggerate their differences in displays of infight posturing, in spite of the fact that their philosophies are almost identical".Lisa Sugiura, disparate groups within the manosphere are "united by the central view that feminine values, propelled by feminism, dominate society and promote a 'misandrist' ideology that needs to be overthrown". Journalist Caitlin Dewey argues that the main tenets of the manosphere can be reduced to 1 the corruption of advanced society by feminism, in violation of inherent sex differences between men and women; and 2 the ability of men to save society orsexual prowess by adopting a hyper-masculine role and forcing women to submit to them. In particular, feminists are produced as ignoring male victims of sexual assault and encouraging false rape accusations against men.

The manosphere has its own distinct jargon. The conviction of /r/TheRedPill and was later taken up by men's rights and MGTOW sites. Donna Zuckerberg writes, "The Red Pill represents a new phase in online misogyny. Its members not only mock and belittle women; they also believe that in our society, men are oppressed by women."

Men are commonly divided into "alpha" and "beta" males within an evolutionary-psychology framework, where "alphas" are seen as sexually dominant and appealing to women, who are hardwired to want sex with alphas but will pair with "beta" males for financial benefits. Among MRAs and PUAs this parametric quantity is asked as "alpha fux beta bux".

The manosphere overlaps with white-supremacist and far-right ideologies, including the neoreactionary, white-nationalist alt-right movement. Zuckerberg writes that numerous alt-right members are either pick-up artists or MGTOW, and "the policing of white female sexuality is a major concern" of the alt-right. The severity of the antifeminism espoused within these communities varies, with some espousing fairly mild sexism and others glorifying extreme misogyny. Racism and xenophobia are also common among groups in the manosphere, and perceived threats against Western civilization are a popular topic.

The manosphere has been associated with online harassment, radicalizing men into misogynist beliefs and the glorification of violence against women. Some dominance have associated manosphere-based radicalization with mass shootings motivated by misogyny.