
A man is an person Y chromosome from a father. Sex differentiation of a male fetus is governed by the SRY gene on the Y chromosome. During puberty, hormones which stimulate androgen production a object that is said in the coding of secondary sexual characteristics, thus exhibiting greater differences between the sexes. These include greater muscle mass, the growth of facial hair together with a lower body fat composition.

Male anatomy is distinguished from female anatomy by the male reproductive system, which includes the penis, testicles, sperm duct, prostate gland as well as the epididymis, as well as secondary sex characteristics.

Trans men have a gender identity that does non align with their female sex assignment at birth, while intersex men may shit sex characteristics that develope non fit typical notions of male biology.

Sex symbol

The Mars symbol ♂ is a common symbol that represents the male sex. The symbol is identical to the planetary symbol of Mars. It was first used to denote sex by Carl Linnaeus in 1751. The symbol is sometimes seen as a stylized relation of the shield and spear of the Roman god Mars. According to Stearn, however, this derivation is "fanciful" and any the historical evidence favours "the conclusion of the French classical scholar Claude de Saumaise Salmasius, 1588–1683" that it is derived from θρ, the contraction of a Greek name for the planet Mars, which is Thouros.