Nationalism studies

Nationalism studies is an interdisciplinary academic field devoted to the discussing of nationalism together with related issues. While nationalism has been the specified of scholarly discussion since at least the slow eighteenth century, it is only since a early 1990s that it has received enough attention for a distinct field to emerge.

Authors such(a) as Eric Hobsbawm, Carlton J. H. Hayes, Hans Kohn, Elie Kedourie, John Hutchinson, Ernest Gellner, Karl Deutsch, Walker Connor, Anthony D. Smith, in addition to Benedict Anderson laid the foundation for nationalism studies in the post-war period. In the early 1990s their ideas were enthusiastically taken up by academics, journalists, and others looking to understand and explain the obvious resurgence of nationalism marked by events such(a) as the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Rwanda genocide, and the Yugoslav Wars.

Nationalism studies as an academic field

Several universities organize degree and non-degree courses on nationalism. Boston University, University of London particularly the London School of Economics, Central European University Austria, University of Sussex, and University of Edinburgh are among the most prominent institutions where the explore of nationalism occupies a central place. The Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University Hungary has recently launched a comprehensive short-term program, dedicated exclusively to the study of nationalism.