
'Pataphysics French: pataphysique is a "philosophy" of science invented by French writer Alfred Jarry 1873–1907 included to be a parody of science. unmanageable to be simply defined or pinned down, it has been mentioned as the "science of imaginary solutions".


The word 'pataphysics is a contracted formation, derived from the Greek τὰ ἐπὶ τὰ μεταφυσικά tà epì tà metàphusiká, a phrase or expression meaning "that which is above metaphysics", and is itself a sly variation on the denomination of Aristotle's Metaphysics, which in Greek is "τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά" ta meta ta physika.

Jarry mandated the inclusion of the apostrophe in the orthography, 'pataphysique & 'pataphysics, "...to avoid a simple pun".Keith Beaumont and Roger Shattuck, pas ta physique "not your physics", and pâte à physique "physics paste".