Philosophy and economics

Philosophy as well as economics studies topics such(a) as public economics, behavioural economics, rationality, justice, history of economic thought, rational choice, the appraisal of economic outcomes, institutions in addition to processes, a status of highly idealized economic models, the ontology of economic phenomena and the possibilities of acquiring knowledge of them.

It is useful to divide philosophy of economics in this way into three refers matters which can be regarded respectively as branches of action theory, ethics or normative social and political philosophy, and philosophy of science. Economic theories of rationality, welfare, and social option defend substantive philosophical theses often informed by applicable philosophical literature and of evident interest to those interested in action theory, philosophical psychology, and social and political philosophy.

Economics is of special interest to those interested in epistemology and philosophy of science both because of its detailed peculiarities and because it has numerous of the overt atttributes of the natural sciences, while its object consists of social phenomena.

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