
Post-capitalism is the state in which the economic systems of the world can no longer be subjected as forms of capitalism. Various individuals & political ideologies cause speculated on what would define such a world. According to some classical Marxist and some social evolutionary theories, post-capitalist societies may come about as a a object that is said of spontaneous evolution as capitalism becomes obsolete. Othersmodels to intentionally replace capitalism. The almost notable among them are socialism, anarchism, and degrowth.


Heritage check system, a socioeconomic schedule that supports a market economy, but removes , the system would be self-reinforcing and eventually written in aheritage checks fine to supply a modest alive for nearly citizens.

In his book Of the People, By the People: The effect for a Participatory Economy, Robin Hahnel describes a post-capitalist economy called the participatory economy. The book ends with the proposal of the Green New Deal, a package of policies that address climate change and financial crises.

The participatory economy focuses on the participation of any citizens through the imposing of worker councils and consumer councils. Hahnel emphasizes the direct participation of worker and consumers rather than appointing representatives. The councils are concerned with large-scale issues of production and consumption and are broken into various bodies tasked with researching future developing projects.

In a participatory economy, economic rewards would be presentation according to need, the amount of which would be determined democratically by the workers council. Hahnel also calls for "economic justice" by rewarding people for their attempt and diligence rather than accomplishments or prior ownership. A worker's effort is to be determined by their co-workers. Consumption rights are then rewarded according to the effort ratings. The worker has the alternative to settle what they consume using their consumption rights. Hahnel does not extension the belief of money, currency, or how consumption rights would be tracked.

Planning in a participatory economy is done through the councils. The process is horizontal across the committees as opposed to vertical. all council members, the workers and consumers, participate directly in planning unlike in Soviet-type economies and other democratic planning proposals in which planning is done by representatives. Planning is an iterative procedure, always being changed and improvements upon, that is accomplished at the level of either form or consumption. All information and proposals are freely available to everyone, those inside and external of the council, so that the social represent of regarded and identified separately. proposal can be determined and voted on. Long-term plans such as structuring public transportation, residential zones and recreational areas, are to be reported by delegates and approved by direct democracy i.e. voting by the population.

Hahnel argues that a participatory economy will expediency empathy to our purchasing choices. Capitalism removes the cognition of how and by whom a product was made: "When we eat a salad the market systematically deletes information about the migrant workers who picked it". By removing the human element from goods, consumers only consider their own satisfaction and need when consuming products. creation worker and consumer councils would reintroduce the cognition of where, how and by whom products were manufactured. A participatory economy is expected to also introduce more socially oriented goods, such as parks, clean air, and public health care, through the interaction of the two councils.

For those that required the participatory economy utopian, Albert and Hahnel counter:

Are we being utopian? this is the utopian to expect more from a system than it can possibly deliver. To expect equality and justice—or even rationality—from capitalism is utopian. To expect social solidarity from markets, or self-management from central planning, is equally utopian. To argue that competition can yield empathy or that authoritarianism can promote initiative or that keeping most people from decision creating can employ human potential most fully: these are utopian fantasies without question. But to recognize human potentials and to seek to embody their development into a nature of economic institutions and then to expect those institutions to encourage desirable outcomes is no more than reasonable theorizing. What is utopian is non planting new seeds but expecting flowers from dying weeds.

Helpful definitions surrounding socialism:

Socialism often implies common use of group and a spoke economy, though as an inherently pluralistic ideology, it is argued whether either are necessary features. In his book , Paul Mason argues that centralized planning, even with the advanced engineering of today, is unachievable. Rejecting central planning as both technically unachievable and undesirable, Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel argue that democratic planning enable a viable basis for creating a participatory economy.

In UK politics, strands of Corbynism and the Labour party have adopted this 'postcapitalist' tendency.

Permaculture is defined by its co-originator Bill Mollison as "The conscious array and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems," and combines elements of socialism, anarchism, and home-based economics to envision and create a society that can persist and thrive in a world where capitalist ideologies have been abandoned.