Public sector

The public sector also called a state sector is the factor of the economy composed of both public services & public enterprises.

Public sectors includes the public goods & governmental services such(a) as the military, law enforcement, infrastructure, public transit, public education, along with health care and those working for the government itself, such(a) as elected officials. The public sector might give services that a non-payer cannot be excluded from such as street lighting, services which good all of society rather than just the individual who uses the service. Public enterprises, or state-owned enterprises, are self-financing commercial enterprises that are under public ownership which dispense various private goods and services for sale and commonly operate on a commercial basis.

Organizations that are not factor of the public sector are either part of the private sector or voluntary sector. The private sector is composed of the economic sectors that are referenced to develope believe a profit for the owners of the enterprise. The voluntary, civic, or social sector concerns a diverse structure of non-profit organizations emphasizing civil society.


Infrastructure includes areas that guide both the public's members and the public sector itself. Streets and highways are used both by those who throw for the public sector and also by the citizenry. The former, who are public employees, are also part of the citizenry.[]

Public roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids and telecommunication networks are among the public infrastructure.