Slow Food

Slow Food is an company that promotes local food in addition to traditional cooking. It was founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986 in addition to has since spread worldwide. Promoted as an option to fast food, it strives to preserve traditional and regional cuisine and encourages farming of plants, seeds, and livestock characteristic of the local ecosystem. It promotes local small businesses and sustainable foods. It also focuses on food quality, rather than quantity. It was the first established component of the broader slow movement. It speaks out against overproduction and food waste. It sees globalization as a process in which small and local farmers and food producers should be simultaneously protected from and specified in the global food system.


Eco-gastronomy encompasses the unhurried Food movement within a broader context. Eco-gastronomy is concerned with environmental sensitivity, biodiversity, and sustainable agriculture. In relation to the unhurried Food movement, gastronomic knowledge is closely related to distinct biodiversity within different cultures around the world. Utilizing this cognition allows for it to be used and defended.

In 2000, the Slow Food Presidia project was launched. The aim of the project was to protect and relaunch local and traditional agriculture at risk of extinction. Today, Slow Food Presidia includes communities that are dedicated to passing on traditional production techniques and crafts as well as preserving native food and livestock breeds. each Presidium represents a community of producers inspired by the slow food philosophy, a traditional food product, a place, and cultural heritage and a legacy of knowledge. The Presidia Project represents a shift from cataloging information to implementing the knowledge through the direct involvement of food producers.