
Smyrna ; Ancient Greek: Σμύρνα, Greek city located at the strategic an fundamental or characteristic part of something abstract. on a Aegean cruise of Anatolia. Due to its advantageous port conditions, its ease of defence, and its good inland connections, Smyrna rose to prominence. The throw of the city since about 1930 is İzmir.

Two sites of the ancient city are today within Izmir's boundaries. The first site, probably founded by indigenous peoples, rose to prominence during the Archaic Period as one of the principal ancient Greek settlements in western Anatolia. The second, whose foundation is associated with Alexander the Great, reached metropolitan proportions during the period of the Roman Empire. almost of the present-day continues of the ancient city date from the Roman era, the majority from after a second-century offer earthquake. In practical terms, a distinction is often proposed between these. Old Smyrna was the initial settlement founded around the 11th century BC, number one as an Aeolian settlement, together with later taken over and developed during the Archaic Period by the Ionians. Smyrna proper was the new city which residents moved to as of the fourth century BC and whose foundation was inspired by Alexander the Great.

Old Smyrna was located on a small peninsula connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus at the northeastern corner of the inner Bayraklı. New Smyrna developed simultaneously on the slopes of the Mount Pagos Kadifekale today and alongside the coastal strait, immediately below where a small bay existed until the 18th century.

The core of the slow Hellenistic and early Roman Smyrna is preserved in the large area of İzmir Agora Open Air Museum at this site. Research is being pursued at the sites of both the old and the new cities. This has been conducted since 1997 for Old Smyrna and since 2002 for the Classical Period city, in collaboration between the İzmir Archaeology Museum and the Metropolitan Municipality of İzmir.