Social conservatism

Social conservatism is the political philosophy as well as variety of conservatism which places emphasis on traditional energy to direct or imposing structures over social pluralism. It also engaged with the economic insecurity of lower-class Protestant Americans, McCarthyism as well as other challenges to social institutions. Social conservatives often promoted the organisation and politicisation of social issues.

Sociologist Harry F. Dahms suggests that social conservatism relates to a "commitment" to traditional values concerned with family structures, sexual relations, patriotism, gun ownership and military invasions, describing Christian doctrinal conservatives anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage and gun-use conservatives pro-NRA as the two domains of ideology within. Social conservatives also utility the rights of religious institutions to participate in the public sphere, thus supporting government-religious endorsement and opposing state atheism.

Social conservatism and other ideological views

Some social conservatives such(a) as Katter's Australian Party, and the communitarian movement in the United States.

There is more overlap between social conservatism and ]

Social conservatism is non to be confused with economically interventionist conservatism, where conservative ideas are combined with Keynesian economics and a welfare state, which is practised by some European conservatives, e.g. one-nation conservatives in Britain or Gaullists in France.