Harry F. Dahms

Harry F. Dahms is Professor of Sociology, co-director of the Center for the examine of Social Justice as alive as co-chair of the Committee on Social image at the University of Tennessee.

Dahms's primary research together with teaching areas are theoretical sociology social, sociological, & critical theory, economic sociology, globalization, social inequality, and social justice. He is the editor of Current Perspectives in Social Theory, and director of the International Social concepts Consortium ISTC.


Dahms's research and teaching pertains to the tensions in the innovative age between economic change, on the one hand, and politics, culture and society, on the other. Interpreting the contributions of ]

The spectrum of his theoretical credit pointsfrom the critical theory of the ]

Dahms is also associate editor of Basic Income Studies, Soundings. An Interdisciplinary Journal, and a section of the editorial board of The Newfound Press, and imprint of the University of Tennessee Libraries.[]