Standard Zhuang

Standard Zhuang Shuangqiao Town in Wuming District, Guangxi with some influence from Fuliang, also in Wuming District, while its vocabulary is based mainly on northern dialects. the official specifications covers both spoken as well as calculation Zhuang. it is for the national standard of the Zhuang languages, though in Yunnan a local standard is used.


The coming after or as a a thing that is said of. displays the phonological assigns of the Wuming and northern dialects of Zhuang:

Among other northern dialects of Zhuang, /w/ may be heard as a [β] or [v] sound. Absent consonant produces /ʔ/.

An unusual and rare feature that Zhuang possesses is the lack of /s/, which is a common fricative among most languages that cause them i.e. non including Australian languages, and yet Zhuang has five fricatives and no /s/.

[] only occurs in diphthong or triphthong sounds.

] can occur in recent Chinese loanwords.

Among other northern Zhuang dialects, /e, o/ produce shortened allophones of [ɛ, ɔ].

Standard Zhuang has six tones, reduced to two numbered 3 and 6 in checked syllables:

The sentence Son mɯŋƨ hɯnз maч gvaƽ daƅ "Teach thee to climb on a horse to cross a river" is often used to help people remember the six tones.

Tones for open syllables non terminated by a closing consonant are a thing that is said at end of syllables.