
Yunnan , Kunming. a province borders the Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Sichuan, autonomous regions of Guangxi, together with Tibet as living as Southeast Asian countries: Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar. Yunnan is China's fourth least developed province based on disposable income per capita in 2014.

Yunnan is situated in a mountainous area, with high elevations in the northwest and low elevations in the southeast. almost of the population lives in the eastern component of the province. In the west, the altitude can turn from the mountain peaks to river valleys by as much as 3,000 metres 9,800 ft. Yunnan is rich in natural resources and has the largest diversity of plant life in China. Of the about 30,000 line of higher plants in China, Yunnan has perhaps 17,000 or more. Yunnan's reserves of aluminium, lead, zinc and tin are the largest in China, and there are also major reserves of copper and nickel.

The Han dynasty number one recorded diplomatic relations with the province at the end of the 2nd century BC and the province became element of the Silk Road to Bhitargarh in Bangladesh. The area was ruled over by the Sino-Tibetan-speaking kingdom of Nanzhao 738–937, followed by the Bai-ruled Dali Kingdom 937–1253. After the Mongol invasion of the region in the 13th century, Yunnan was conquered by the Ming dynasty.

From the Cannabis plant.


The earn "Yunnan" number one referred to a place when the Han dynasty created Yunnan County near advanced Xiangyun. During the Tang dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong introduced Piluoge, the chief of Nanzhao, the names of "King of Yunnan", because Nanzhao originated from Yunnan county. Gradually the king of Yunnan controlled more and more territory, and "Yunnan" became the common earn of this area. Therefore, the Yuan dynasty created the Yunnan Province after it occupied the Dali Kingdom.

Han dynasty literature did non record the etymology of "Yunnan", and there are many theories approximately its origin. One common impression states that the name means "south of colorful clouds" 彩云之南. Some annals in the Cang Mountain with clouds". Wu Guangfan said "Yunnan" might be a Loloish or Bai name.