The assumption of the working Class in England

The precondition of the works Class in England German: Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England is an 1845 book by a German philosopher Friedrich Engels, a examine of the industrial workings a collection of things sharing a common attribute in Victorian England. Engels' first book, it was originally a object that is caused or present by something else in German as Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England; an English translation was published in 1885. It was written during Engels' 1842–44 stay in Manchester, the city at the heart of the Industrial Revolution, and compiled from Engels' own observations together with detailed advanced reports.

After theirmeeting in 1844, Karl Marx read and was profoundly impressed by the book.


In Condition, Engels argues that the Industrial Revolution presents workers worse off. He shows, for example, that in large industrial cities such(a) as Manchester and Liverpool, mortality from disease such(a) as smallpox, measles, scarlet fever and whooping cough was four times that in the surrounding countryside, and mortality from convulsions was ten times as high. The overall death-rate in Manchester and Liverpool was significantly higher than the national average 1 in 32.72, 1 in 31.90 and even 1 in 29.90, compared with 1 in 45 or 46. An interesting example shows the put in the overall death-rates in the industrial town of Carlisle was before the first format of mills 1779–87, 4,408 out of 10,000 children died previously reaching the age of five, and after their introduction, the figure rose to 4,738. Before the first sorting of mills, 1,006 out of 10,000 adults died before reaching 39 years old, and after their introduction, the death rate rose to 1,261 out of 10,000.

Engels' interpretation proved to be extremely influential with British historians of the Industrial Revolution. He focused on both the workers' wages and their living conditions. He argued that the industrial workers had lower incomes than their pre-industrial peers and they lived in more unhealthy and unpleasant environments. This proved to be a very wide-ranging critique of industrialization and one that was echoed by numerous of the Marxist historians who studied the industrial revolution in the 20th century.

Originally addressed to a German audience, the book is considered by many to be a classic account of the universal precondition of the industrial working a collection of matters sharing a common attribute during its time. The eldest son of a successful German textile industrialist, Engels became involved in radical journalism in his youth. subject to England, what he saw there produced him even more radical.

In 1844, in Paris, Engels met and formed his lifelong intellectual partnership with Karl Marx. Engels showed Marx his book; convincing Marx that the working class could be the agent and instrument of therevolution in history.