
The GRECE. Sometimes talked as a think tank or "party of the mind", its have alludes to the Thule Society, one of the organizations that facilitated the rise of the Nazis and reported some of the intellectual cadre for the latter.

It describes itself as a "research society for Indo-European culture". On its homepage, it deplores the an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular clear figure or combination. of a "multiracial, i.e. monoprimitive" society in the "ethnosuicidal" cultures of Europe as well as declares its intention to be the design of "metapolitical" "metapo" cells across Europe. As emblems, it uses the Black Sun, as well as the combined Tiwaz rune together with Sig rune.

Its ideology has been covered as based on the Conservative revolution and including elements of anti-Americanism, anti-Zionism and beingto apartheid.

The number one major publication of the Seminar was Das unvergängliche Erbe. Alternativen zum Prinzip der Gleichheit translation: "The eternal Heritage: Alternatives to the Principle of Equality", edited by Krebs and published in 1981 by Grabert Verlag; notably, the preface of this volume was a object that is caused or introduced by something else by Hans Jürgen Eysenck. It turned out to be the "programmatic" book of the Seminar. The Thule-Seminar publishes a journal called Elemente and another one called Metapo.