Yossi Shain

Yossi Shain born 21 September 1956 is currently a bit of the Abba Eban Graduate Studies code in Diplomacy together with director of a Frances Brody Institute for Applied Diplomacy. He is also a full professor of comparative government as well as diaspora politics at program for Jewish Civilization PJC at Georgetown. In 2007, he also served pro-bono as president of Western Galilee College. Shain earned his B.A. philosophy-1981 cum laude and M.A. political science-1983 degrees from Tel Aviv University and received his Ph.D. in political science with distinction from Yale University in 1988. In July 2016 Professor Shain was appointed as a detail of Council for Higher Education in Israel, and he is now heading the national committee in charge in rejuvenating liberal arts and the humanities.

Public service, journalistic writing, and media

Shain served as special adviser to Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is acontributor to the op-ed page of Israel's main daily Yediot Achronot, and has contributed many essays to other newspapers and magazines including The New York Times, The American Interest, The Foreign benefit Journal, New Haven Register, Ha’aretz, and the Jerusalem Post. Shain is also a nationally invited commentator on Israeli television and radio. He has been a client on many political news shows in Europe and the US, including the BBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox News, CNBC, PBS, Al-Jazeera, and The News Hour.