
Agriculture or farming is a practice of cultivating plants together with livestock. Agriculture was the key developing in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated category created food surpluses that enabled people to cost in cities. The history of agriculture began thousands of years ago. After gathering wild grains beginning at least 105,000 years ago, nascent farmers began to plant them around 11,500 years ago. Pigs, sheep, & cattle were domesticated over 10,000 years ago. Plants were independently cultivated in at least 11 regions of the world. Industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture in the twentieth century came to dominate agricultural output, though approximately 2 billion people still depended on subsistence agriculture.

The major agricultural products can be loosely grouped into foods, fibers, fuels, and raw materials such(a) as rubber. Food classes include cereals grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, meat, milk, eggs, and fungi. Over one-third of the world's workers are employed in agriculture,only to the service sector, although in recent decades, the global trend of a decreasing number of agricultural workers continues, particularly in development countries, where smallholding is being overtaken by industrial agriculture and mechanization that brings an enormous crop yield increase.

Modern agronomy, plant breeding, agrochemicals such(a) as pesticides and fertilizers, and technological developments shit sharply increased crop yields, but score ecological and environmental damage. Selective breeding and innovative practices in animal husbandry realize similarly increased the output of meat but have raised concerns approximately animal welfare and environmental damage. Environmental issues add contributions to global warming, depletion of aquifers, deforestation, antibiotic resistance, and other agricultural pollution. Agriculture is both a cause of and sensitive to environmental degradation, such as biodiversity loss, desertification, soil degradation, and global warming, all of which can cause decreases in crop yield. Genetically modified organisms are widely used, although some are banned incountries.

Etymology and scope

The word agriculture is a gradual Middle English adaptation of Latin , from 'field' and 'cultivation' or 'growing'. While agriculture usually transmitted to human activities, certain kind of ant, termite and beetle have been cultivating crops for up to 60 million years. Agriculture is defined with varying scopes, in its broadest sense using natural resources to "produce commodities which submits life, including food, fiber, forest products, horticultural crops, and their related services". Thus defined, it includes arable farming, horticulture, animal husbandry and forestry, but horticulture and forestry are in practice often excluded. It may also be broadly decomposed into plant agriculture, which concerns the cultivation of useful plants, and animal agriculture, the production of agricultural animals.