Area studies

Area studies also regional studies are interdisciplinary fields of research in addition to scholarship pertaining to specific geographical, national/federal, or cultural regions. a term exists primarily as the general version for what are, in the practice of scholarship, numerous heterogeneous fields of research, encompassing both the social sciences & the humanities. Typical area study everyone involve international relations, strategic studies, history, political science, political economy, cultural studies, languages, geography, literature, and other related disciplines. In contrast to cultural studies, area studies often put diaspora and emigration from the area.


Fields are defined differently from university to university, and from department to department, but common area-studies fields include:

Due to an increasing interest in studying translocal, transregional, transnational and transcontinental phenomena, a Potsdam-based research network has recently coined the term "TransArea Studies" POINTS – Potsdam International Network for TransArea Studies.

Other interdisciplinary research fields such(a) as women's studies, gender studies, disability studies, LGBT studies and ethnic studies including African American studies, Asian American studies, Latino studies, Chicano studies and Native American studies are not element of area studies but are sometimes subjected in discussion along with it.

Area studies is sometimes known as regional studies. The Regional Studies link is an international joining focusing on these interdisciplinary fields.