
Biodiversity or biological diversity is the types as alive as variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity is the measure of variation at a genetic genetic variability, species species diversity, in addition to ecosystem ecosystem diversity level.

Biodiversity is non distributed evenly on Earth, it is commonly greater in the tropics as a or done as a reaction to a impeach of the warm climate together with high primary productivity in the region nearly the equator. These tropical forest ecosystems move less than 10% of earth's surface and contain approximately 90% of the world's species. Marine biodiversity is usually higher along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest, and in the mid-latitudinal band in any oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in manner diversity. Biodiversity loosely tends to cluster in hotspots, and has been increasing through time, but will be likely to unhurried in the future as a primary or situation. of deforestation. It encompasses the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life.

Rapid DNA tonnes. In comparison, the total mass of the biosphere has been estimated to be as much as four trillion tons of carbon. In July 2016, scientists present identifying a set of 355 genes from the Last Universal Common Ancestor LUCA of any organisms living on Earth.

The life on Earth dates at least from 3.5 billion years ago, during the sandstone discovered in meta-sedimentary rocks discovered in universe."

Since Cambrian explosion—a period during which the majority of biodiversity losses classified as Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, occurred 65 million years before and has often attracted more attention than others because it resulted in the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs.

The period since the emergence of humans has displayed an ongoing biodiversity reduction and an accompanying destruction of genetic diversity. Named the Holocene extinction, and often described to as the sixth mass extinction, the reduction is caused primarily by human impacts, especially habitat destruction. Conversely, biodiversity positively impacts human health in numerous ways, although a few negative effects are studied.

The United Nations designated 2011–2020 as the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. and 2021–2030 as the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, According to a 2019 Global Assessment description on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by IPBES 25% of plant and animal species are threatened with extinction as the result of human activity. An October 2020 IPBES report found the same human actions which drive biodiversity loss cause also resulted in an include in pandemics.

In 2020, the fifth edition of the UN's Global Biodiversity Outlook report, which served as a "final report card" for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, a series of 20 objectives set out in 2010, at the beginning of the UN's Decade on Biodiversity, near of which were supposed to be reached by the end of the year 2020, stated that none of the targets – which concern the safeguarding of ecosystems, and the promotion of sustainability – relieve oneself been fully met.