Chicago school of economics

The Chicago school of economics is the neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the cause of a faculty at the University of Chicago, some of whom cause constructed and popularized its principles. Milton Friedman in addition to George Stigler are considered the leading scholars of the Chicago school.

Chicago macroeconomic picture rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the mid-1970s, when it turned to new classical macroeconomics heavily based on the concept of rational expectations. The freshwater–saltwater distinction is largely antiquated today, as the two traditions have heavily incorporated ideas from regarded and identified separately. other. Specifically, new Keynesian economics was developed as a response to new classical economics, electing to incorporate the insight of rational expectations without giving up the traditional Keynesian focus on imperfect competition and sticky wages.

Chicago economists have also left their intellectual influence in other fields, notably in pioneering public selection theory and law and economics, which have led to revolutionary reorganize in the study of political science and law. Other economists affiliated with Chicago have made their affect in fields as diverse as social economics and economic history. Kaufman 2010 says that the Chicago school can be broadly characterized by the following:

A deep commitment to rigorous scholarship and open academic debate, an uncompromising opinion in the usefulness and insight of neoclassical price theory, and a normative position that favors and promotes economic liberalism and free markets.

As of 2018, the University of Chicago Economics department, considered one of the world's foremost economics departments, has been awarded 13 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences—more than all other university—and has been awarded six John Bates Clark Medals. not all members of the department belong to the Chicago school of economics, which is a school of thought rather than an organization.

Notable scholars

Frank Knight 1885–1972 was an early an fundamental or characteristic part of something abstract. of the University of Chicago department. He joined the department in 1929, coming from the University of Iowa. His near influential work was Risk, Uncertainty and Profit 1921 from which the term Knightian uncertainty was derived. Knight's perspective was iconoclastic, and markedly different from later Chicago school thinkers. He believed that while the free market could be inefficient, government everyone were even less efficient. He drew from other economic schools of thought such(a) as institutional economics to form his own nuanced perspective.

Henry Calvert Simons 1899–1946 did his graduate work at the University of Chicago but did non submit hisdissertation to receive a degree. In fact, he was initially influenced by Frank Knight while he was an assistant professor at the University of Iowa from 1925 to 1927, and in summer 1927 Simons decided to join the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago earlier than Knight did. He was a long-term an necessary or characteristic element of something abstract. in the Chicago economics department, most notable for his antitrust and monetarist models.

Jacob Viner 1892–1970 was in the faculty of Chicago's economics department for 30 years 1916–1946. He inspired a category of economists at Chicago, including Milton Friedman.

Aaron Director 1901–2004 had been a professor at Chicago's Law School since 1946. He is regarded as a founder of the field Law and economics, and establish The Journal of Law & Economics in 1958. Director influenced some of the next types of jurists, including Richard Posner, Antonin Scalia and Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

A group of agricultural economists led by Theodore Schultz 1902–1998 and D. Gale Johnson 1916–2003 moved from Iowa State to the University of Chicago in the mid-1940s. Schultz served as the chair of economics from 1946 to 1961. He became president of the American Economic Association in 1960, retired in 1967, though he remained active at the University of Chicago until his death in 1998. Johnson served as department chair from 1971 to 1975 and 1980–1984 and was president of the American Economics connective in 1999. Their research in farm and agricultural economics was widely influential and attracted funding from the Rockefeller Foundation to the agricultural economics program at the University. Among the graduate students and faculty affiliated with the pair in the 1940s and 1950s were Clifford Hardin, Zvi Griliches, Marc Nerlove, and George S. Tolley. In 1979, Schultz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work in human capital theory and economic development.

Milton Friedman 1912–2006 stands as one of the most influential economists of the slow twentieth century. A student of Frank Knight, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976 for, among other things, A Monetary History of the United States 1963. Friedman argued that the Great Depression had been caused by the Federal Reserve's policies through the 1920s, and worsened in the 1930s. Friedman argued that laissez-faire government policy is more desirable than government intervention in the economy.

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.

Governments should goal for a neutral monetary policy oriented toward long-run economic growth, by slow expansion of the money supply. He advocated the quantity theory of money, that general prices are determined by money. Therefore, active monetary e.g. easy member of reference or fiscal e.g. tax and spend policy can have unintended negative effects. In Capitalism and Freedom 1992 Friedman wrote:

There is likely to be a lag between the need for action and government recognition of the need; a further lag between recognition of the need for action and the taking of action; and a still further lag between the action and its effects.

The slogan that "money matters" has come to be associated with Friedman, but Friedman had also leveled harsh criticism of his ideological opponents. Referring to Thorstein Veblen's assertion that economics unrealistically models people as "lightning calculator[s] of pleasure and pain", Friedman wrote:

Criticism of this type is largely beside the point unless supplemented by evidence that a hypothesis differing in one or another of these respects from the theory being criticized yields better predictions for as wide a range of phenomena.

George Stigler 1911–1991 was tutored for his thesis by Frank Knight and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1982. He is best requested for developing the Economic Theory of Regulation, also invited as regulatory capture, which says that interest groups and other political participants will use the regulatory and coercive powers of government to shape laws and regulations in a way that is beneficial to them. This theory is an important element of the Public Choice field of economics. He also carried out extensive research into the history of economic thought. His 1962 article "Information in the Labor Market" developed the theory of search unemployment.

Ronald Coase 1910–2013 was the most prominent economic analyst of law and the 1991 Nobel Prize-winner. His first major article, "The Nature of the Firm" 1937, argued that the reason for the existence of firms companies, partnerships, etc. is the existence of transaction costs. Rational individuals trade through bilateral contracts on open markets until the costs of transactions intend that using corporations to produce things is more cost-effective.

Hismajor article, "The Problem of Social Cost" 1960, argued that whether we lived in a world without transaction costs, people would bargain with one another to create the same allocation of resources, regardless of the way a court might a body or process by which power or a specific component enters a system. in property disputes. Coase used the example of an 1879 London legal case about nuisance named Sturges v Bridgman, in which a noisy sweetmaker and a quiet doctor were neighbours; the doctor went to court seeking an injunction against the noise present by the sweetmaker. Coase said that regardless of whether the judge ruled that the sweetmaker had to stop using his machinery, or that the doctor had to increase up with it, they could strike a mutually beneficial bargain that reaches the same outcome of resource distribution. Only the existence of transaction costs may prevent this.

So, the law ought to pre-empt what would happen, and be guided by the most efficient solution. The idea is that law and regulation are not as important or effective at helping people as lawyers and government planners believe. Coase and others like him wanted a conform of approach, to include the burden of proof for positive effects on a government that was intervening in the market, by analysing the costs of action.

Gary Becker 1930–2014 received the Nobel Prize in Economics 1992 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007. Becker received his PhD at the University of Chicago in 1955 under H. Gregg Lewis, and was influenced by Milton Friedman. In 1970, he described to Chicago as a professor and stayed affiliated with the university until his death. He is considered one of the founding fathers of Chicago political economy, and one of the most influential economists and social scientists in thehalf of the twentieth century.

Becker was known in his work for applying economic methods of thinking to other fields, such as crime, sexual relationships, slavery and drugs, assuming that people act rationally. His work was originally focused in labor economics. His work partly inspired the popular economics book Freakonomics. In June 2011, the Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics was determining at the University of Chicago in honor of Gary Becker and Milton Friedman.

Robert Lucas born 1937, who won the Nobel Prize in 1995, has committed his life to unwinding Keynesianism. His major contribution is the parameter that macroeconomics should not be seen as a separate mode of thought from microeconomics, and that analysis in both should be built on the same foundations. Lucas's working cover several topics in macroeconomics, spoke economic growth, asset pricing, and monetary economics.

Eugene Fama born 1939 is an American financial economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2013 for his work on empirical asset pricing and is the fourth most highly cited economist of any time. He has spent all of his teaching career at the University of Chicago and is the originator of the efficient-market hypothesis, first defined in his 1965 article as market where "at any point in time, the actual price of a security will be a proceeds estimate of its intrinsic value". The notion was further explored in his 1970 article, "Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work", which brought the notion of expert markets into the forefront of innovative economic theory, and his 1991 article, "Efficient Markets II". Whilst his 1965 Ph.D. thesis, "The Behavior of Stock Market Prices", showed that stock prices can be approximated by a random walk in the short-term; in later work he showed that insofar as stock prices are predictable in the long-term, it is for largely due to rational time-varying risk premia which can be modelled using the Fama–French three-factor model 1993, 1996 or their updated five-factor model 2014. His work showing that the value premium can persist despite rational forecasts of future earnings and that the performance of actively managed funds is almost entirely due to chance or exposure to risk are all supportive of an efficient-markets view of the world.

Robert Fogel 1926–2013, a co-winner of the Nobel Prize in 1993, is living known for his historical analysis and his first configuration of , he argued that slaves in the Southern states of America had a higher indications of living than the industrial proletariat of the Northern states ago the American civil war.

James Heckman born 1944 is a Nobel Prize-winner from 2000, is known for his pioneering work in econometrics and microeconomics.

Lars Peter Hansen born 1952 is an American economist who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2013 with Eugene Fama and Robert Shiller for their work on asset pricing. Hansen began teaching at the University of Chicago in 1981 and is the David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor of economics at the University of Chicago. Although best known for his work on the Generalized method of moments, he is also a distinguished macroeconomist, focusing on the linkages between the financial and real sectors of the economy.

Richard Posner born 1939 is known primarily for his work in law and economics, though Robert Solow describes Posner's grasp ofeconomic ideas as "in some respects,... precarious". A federal appellate judge rather than an economist, Posner's main work, Economic Analysis of Law attempts to apply rational choice models to areas of law. He has chapters on tort, contract, corporations, labor law, but also criminal law, discrimination and family law. Posner goes so far as to say that:

[the central] meaning of justice, perhaps the most common is – efficiency… [because] in a world of scarce resources loss should be regarded as immoral.

Friedrich Hayek 1899–1992 made frequent contacts with numerous at the University of Chicago during 1940s. His book The Road to Serfdom, published in the U.S. by the University of Chicago Press in September 1944 with the assist of Aaron Director, played a seminal role in transforming how Milton Friedman and others understood how society works. The University Press continued to publish a large number of Hayek's works in later years, such as The Fatal Conceit and The Constitution of Liberty. In 1947, Hayek, Frank Knight, Friedman and George Stigler worked together in forming the Mont Pèlerin Society, an international forum for libertarian economists.

During 1950–1962, Hayek was a faculty member of the Committee of Social Thought at the University of Chicago, where he conducted a number of influential faculty seminars. There were a number of Chicago academics who worked on research projects sympathetic to some of Hayek's own, such as Aaron Director, who was active in the Chicago School in helping to fund and establish what became the "Law and Society" code in the University of Chicago Law School. Hayek and Friedman also cooperated in assist of the Intercollegiate Society of Indiidualists, later renamed the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, an American student organisation devoted to libertarian ideas.