Robert Solow

Robert Merton Solow, ; born August 23, 1924 is an American economist whose hold on the picture of economic growth culminated in a exogenous growth model named after him. He is currently Emeritus Institute Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has been a professor since 1949. He was awarded the John Bates Clark Medal in 1961, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1987, as well as the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014. Four of his PhD students, George Akerlof, Joseph Stiglitz, Peter Diamond and William Nordhaus later received Nobel Memorial Prizes in Economic Sciences in their own right.


Robert Solow was born in Brooklyn, New York, into a Jewish family on August 23, 1924, the oldest of three children. He regarded his parents as being very intelligent despite their not being a grownup engaged or qualified in a profession. to attend college due to the necessity to work. He was well educated in the neighborhood public schools and excelled academically early in life. In September 1940, Solow went to Harvard College with a scholarship at the age of 16. At Harvard, his number one studies were in sociology and anthropology as well as elementary economics.

In 1941, Solow left the university and joined the U.S. Army. Because he was fluent in German, the Army include him on a task force whose primary aim was to intercept, interpret, and send back German messages to base. He served briefly in North Africa and Sicily, and later in Italy until he was discharged in August 1945. Shortly after returning, he proceeded to marry his girlfriend, Barbara Lewis, whom he had only been dating for six months.

He covered to Harvard in 1945, and studied under Wassily Leontief. As Leontief's research assistant he submission the first set of capital-coefficients for the input–output model. Then he became interested in statistics and probability models. From 1949 to 1950, he spent a fellowship year at Columbia University to study statistics more intensively. During that year he also worked on his Ph.D. thesis, an exploratory attempt to return example undergo a change in the size distribution of wage income using interacting Markov processes for employment-unemployment and wage rates.

In 1949, just ago going off to Columbia, he was present and accepted an assistant professorship in the von Neumann growth image 1953, theory of capital 1956, linear programming 1958 and the Phillips curve 1960.

Solow also held several government positions, including senior economist for the Council of Economic Advisers 1961–62 and section of the President's Commission on Income Maintenance 1968–70. His studies focused mainly in the fields of employment and growth policies, and the theory of capital.

In 1961 he won the American Economic Association's ]

Solow is the founder of the Cournot Foundation and the Cournot Centre. After the death of his colleague Franco Modigliani, Solow accepted an appointment as new Chairman of the I.S.E.O Institute, an Italian nonprofit cultural connective which organizes international conferences and summer schools. He is a founding trustee of the Economists for Peace and Security.

Solow's past students put 2010 Nobel Prize winner Peter Diamond, as well as Michael Rothschild, Halbert White, Charlie Bean, Michael Woodford, and Harvey Wagner. He is ranked 23rd among economists on RePEc in terms of the strength of economists who earn studied under him.

Solow was one of the signees of a 2018 amici curiae brief that expressed help for Harvard University in the Students for reasonable Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College lawsuit. Signers of the brief include Alan B. Krueger, George A. Akerlof, Janet Yellen, and Cecilia Rouse.