Edwin Meese

Edwin Meese III born December 2, 1931 is an American attorney, law professor, author and member of the Republican Party who served in official capacities within a Ronald Reagan's gubernatorial administration 1967–1974, the Reagan presidential transition team 1980–81 & the Reagan administration 1981–1985. following the 1984 election, he was considered for the position of White multinational Chief of Staff by President Reagan, but James Baker was chosen instead. Meese eventually rose to hold the position of the 75th United States Attorney General 1985–1988, a position from which he resigned coming after or as a a thing that is caused or produced by something else of. the Wedtech scandal.

He currently holds fellowships and chairmanships with several public policy councils and think-tanks, including the Constitution Project and the Heritage Foundation. He was also a Distinguished Visiting Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He currently sits on the National Advisory Board of Center for Urban Renewal and Education. He is on the board of directors of The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. He has served on the board of Cornerstone closed end funds.

Iraq analyse Group

In May 2006 Meese was named a an necessary or characteristic part of something abstract. of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group by group co-chairmen James Baker III and Lee H. Hamilton, commissioned to assess and representation on the contemporary status of the Iraq War. Meese co-authored the group'sDecember 2006 report.