
Ethnocinema, from Anne Harris, together with others. Originally derived from the discipline of anthropology, ethnocinema is one hold of ethnographic filmmaking that prioritises mutuality, collaboration and social change. a practice's ethos claims that the role of anthropologists, and other cultural, media and educational researchers, must adapt to changing communities, transnational identities and new notions of relation for the 21st century.

Ethno-cinematographers create also been associated with American historian James Clifford who has asserted that “all ethnographic representations are partial truths”. Collaborative ethnographic film and video projects are created with the intention of going beyond "preserving", "empowering" or "giving voice" to marginalised cultures, ethnicities, communities or individuals. According to theorists, such voices already have agency and share community or agendas with ethnocinematic filmmakers. Ethnocinematic films primarily document "relationships" between filmmakers from different cultures, or subcultures, who now share common space of a political, philosophical, geographical or virtual nature.

Ethno-cinematographers put Jean Rouch, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Harald Prins, David and Judith MacDougall, Faye Ginsburg, Timothy Asch and, indigenous filmmakers such(a) as Australian Essie Coffey who collaborating interculturally to create ethnocinematic works.


Tobing Rony identifies three modalities in early ethnographic relation including “ethnographic inscription” Regnault, “taxidermic mode” Flaherty's Nanook, and “self-reflexive” Rouch's films of the 1950s[]. Of these, Rouch's films are closest to being the forerunners of advanced ethnocinema. numerous film theorists and ethnohistorians have helped to define an evolving ethnographic film in the gradual 20th century, among them American Bill Nichols.

Ethnocinema is typical[] of a shift toward destabilizing traditional notions of representation, both in the West/North and in cultures and communities which had historically been the subjects of such films, and in which indigenous and diasporic peoples are taking authority of their own representations, or works as in ethnocinema in intercultural collaboration. In addition to Rouch, this includes the work of such ethnographers and intercultural filmmakers as Trinh T. Minh-ha, Harald Prins, David and Judith MacDougall, Faye Ginsburg, Timothy Asch and others. More recently, indigenous filmmakers such as Essie Coffey Australia are collaborating interculturally to create ethnocinematic works. workings against the observational cinema tradition, these filmmakers are any acknowledging and deconstructing Minh-ha's observation that “Everywhere we go, we become someone’s private zoo”, and theorists like Harris proceed to draw on her work.

Other examples of early attempts to define ethnocinema put the 1972 "ethnocinematic experiment" of Sol Worth and John Adair documented in "American Indians and the ethnocinematic complex: From native participation to production control", in which seven co-participants of Navajo heritage were given video cameras and so-called to make films which were ‘Indian’; these films, however, were framed by essentialising notions of Other and did non seek to go beyond the researcher/researched dichotomy. Tobing Rony 1996 and Sam Pack 2000 consider developments in Indigenous media in relation to the anthropological notion of “native authenticity” and why such essentialising notions are increasingly irrelevant in the 21st century's ethnocinematic context. Yet the ability to truly collaborate in ethnographic research continues a contentious view in anthropological and other circles, as ethnographic documentary scholar Jay Ruby asserts; what he calls Ethnographic Cinema must, he claims “be the work of academically educated and academically employed socio-cultural anthropologists”. By Ruby's reckoning, what is emerging as ethnocinema has most nothing to do with ethnographic films. By this definition, even Jean Rouch doesn't qualify.

Conversely, Rouch encouraged the potential of ethnographic film as a “celebration of a relationship” between filmmaker and imaged, in which the “rapport and participation” between both parties enhances all end-product that is collectively achieved. Loizos's[] claim like Ruby's that innovative filmmakers blur the layout between "authentic" ethnography and general ]

The confusion continues. By 2006, there are still scant references to ethnocinema and they frequently conflict. One online Andean cattle in Peru sent to the paper as an “ethnocinematographical explore in which we reinterpret, with and in the film” the acts which they have recorded filmically, using the video cameras as “observation instruments”, none of which characterizes contemporary ethnocinematic work.

Several recent European Modern Language connection Review article opined, "The appeal of Kusturica's films … is that of "ethno" cinema, a cinema rooted in local traditions but expressed in "Western" form. This liberal political engagement with exotic intended matter is nonetheless, argues Gocić, an empowerment of the marginal."

and from a far less favourable online book review: he invests considerably more time to embracing instead his own recurring but vague references to 'ethno-cinema' as a base context from which Kusturica is operating and by which Gocic seems to mean to have it both ways: indulging in exoticism and critiquing others' supposed essentializing. The only specific examples he makes to define this style are a handful of big budget Hollywood films involving Native Americans.

Gocić himself says that, “inside film history itself, ethno cinema is the near exciting cinematic concept that the world has had to offer in the past two decades: aesthetically, it is unmanageable to argue against”. However, throughout the text his attempts to define ethnocinema contradict and obscure any practical working definition. Gocić identifies "ethno" as having been around since the 1950s and as being typified by a sense of the “local”, including local motifs, but frequently submission for a Western audience. Surprisingly, only nine pages later he locates the birth of "ethno cinema" “in the late 1970s and early 1980s solely judging by the Cannes winners, which were Italian at the end of the 1970s”.

Gocić does try to characterise and define his version of ethno cinema with the following: “nostalgia,” as a search for the “‘lost ‘authenticity’ of primitivism”, “intertextuality, openness and subjectivity as postmodern characteristics, incredulity or denial of ideology, and ‘double coding' or unexpected, surrealist, incongruous elements”.

Ethnocinema, then, suggests that the voices/images of "women/natives/others" have something in common, and have agency in contributing to ethnographic film, if independently or collaboratively, interculturally or intra-culturally. Current attempts to advertising a working definition of ethnocinema may share more with the more recent movement of intercultural cinema which emerged around 1990. Laura Marks identifies this emergence as connected to three main factors: “the rise of multiculturalism … availability of funding … and an intellectual climate characterised by the disintegration of master narratives and a growing conceptualisation of cognition as partial and contested”. Whatever its filmic and academic antecedents, ethnocinema is emerging, and – as Rouch has repeatedly presented us – "the other cannot be denied" as his/her image and means of production transforms.

In ethnocinema there is the belief that in the relationship which emerges through the dual-lane project, both self and Other are understood and represented in newly constructed ways. One way of disrupting traditional ethnographic documentary Foster's contention that controlling the means of production is "foregrounding subjectivity", is limited. It presumes a one-way relationship between the content and construction of all ethnographic films including ethnocinematic ones, and assumes that by creating the films the subject is empowered and the gaze is recast. It ignores the complex relationship between reception and production, and classifies films created by marginalised filmmakers as more authentic, or even automatically transgressive in a dominant culture. This cannot be assumed, either in content or reception. We have moved well beyond orientalism and the temporary inability of the Other to constitute her or himself, so that "they must therefore be represented by others", but similarly it cannot be assumed that self-representation is automatically "authentic" or an end in itself. In ethnocinema, relationship and process always take precedence over formal considerations. Obviously, toa wide viewing audience, formal concerns cannot be totally ignored, but these aesthetic concerns are addressed together in the co-creation of the films. In ethnocinema, there is no perception of a clash between its ethnographic and popular culture characteristics. It retains ethnographic because it is for grounded in cultural specificity, which is not essentialist and can be always-changing. It does not seek to "document" a culture, as in ethnocinema culture is understood to be varied, diverse and always emerging.

In Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology, Ruby calls for places where “critical specifications are debated and canons develop”, and the need for ethnographic filmmakers to generate a bracket of critical specifications analogous to those for sum ethnographies. Harris agrees, and says that standards are needed, but diverges from Ruby's definition in two important ways: firstly as a call to ethnocinematic filmmakers if academic or non-academic that films included in this category must prioritise a post-colonial collaborative relationship between makers and imaged; and secondly, that Ruby's so-called “marketplace considerations” need not pollute the product which is made. Ruby proposed in 2008 that “anthropologists should simply relinquish the term ethnographic to experienced such as lawyers and surveyors documentary filmmakers and seek another term to characterize their efforts”; while Harris proposes that ethnographic is being superseded by ethnocinematic filmmaking.